Sex Therapy

Our sexuality is an inextricable part of our identity. When things go wrong sexually, there is a psychological impact which is often quite profound. Sexual expression is an integral part of an intimate adult relationship. When functioning well, it strengthens the relationship. When it is dysfunctional or non-existent, it plays an inordinately powerful role and will dominate 50-75% of the relationship. Sadly, it can often lead to the demise of the relationship. 

When it comes to sex, people’s interest, experience, expectation, orientation and behaviours vary widely. Perhaps it is a difference in sexual desire: maybe one person has little or no interest in sex; maybe one person finds some things arousing, while the partner does not. One partner might be interested in an open relationship, while the other is not. If you have a sexual problem of any kind, do not see a marriage counsellor unless they have specific qualifications in Sex Therapy. Sex therapy is a highly specialized area, and few therapists have the training. 

As a Sex Therapist, I am trained and highly experienced in treating a wide range of sexual issues and dysfunctions.

Here is a list of common problems people see a sex therapist for:

The #1 reason couples seek couples or marriage counselling with a sex therapist is because of intimacy problems. As a trained sex therapist, I have extensive training to know how to uncover, explore and treat the roots of intimacy problems. The causes are very widespread: communication problems, stress, fatigue, resentment, upbringing, and religious beliefs. Many causes of intimacy problems are related to sex, whether it is sexual inexperience or lack of knowledge, boredom, inhibitions, body image issues, sexual incompatibility, past sexual abuse or sexual dysfunction.

Nothing threatens the future of a relationship more than an affair. Whether it was a one-night-stand, an encounter with an escort or body rub parlor, a brief fling or a long-term affair – the results are wide-ranging and devastating. Emotions range from a profound hurt and shock to anger, rage, hatred, revenge, rejection, loathing, disgust, and fear, to name a few. Your partner’s reaction will also be wide-ranging from remorse, regret, guilt to anger, blame and rejection, further driving a wedge into the relationship. Affairs are the #1 stressor in a relationship – see us at our Harbourfront Psychotherapy office before you see a divorce lawyer. Infidelity does not have to mean the end of your relationship.

One in three females and one in six males experience some form of sexual abuse before the age of 18. 80% of these abusers are the parent, stepparent, foster parent or another relative or close family friend of the family.

If you are a victim of sexual assault, whether it was an isolated incident or repeated occurrences and regardless of your age, you will most likely suffer long-term consequences that will affect your current relationship(s). If you had access to previous counselling at the time of the abuse, it likely dealt with your feelings at the time of that assault and your self-esteem/image immediately afterwards. They help you through the trauma, the guilt, the self-awareness, the shame and more. They also help you rebuild your life. They do not, nor can they, know the impact that it will have on your future relationships. It is not uncommon once you are in an intimate relationship years later that the triggers & problems emerge.

Victims of sexual assault may also develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. See the PTSD tab on this website.

See your physician first to rule out any physical problem. There are many factors which can contribute to a man not being able to get an erection or losing an erection during intimacy. If it happens once, the next time you attempt intimacy, doubt, fear and anxiety set in which makes it all the more likely that it will happen again. I will work with you to seek out the root causes in the first place, see what changes can be made and then work on changing the negative thought patterns so you can resume intimacy and experience full and lasting erections. Cialis and Viagra are not the solution and I don’t recommend them for many reasons.

Intercourse should be pleasurable and without pain. There are many factors which can cause pain, some are physical, such as Vaginismus, but most are psychological. If you don’t resolve it, you will avoid intimacy, which ultimately has a very negative effect on the relationship. Many relationships do not survive without intimacy. Or your partner stays in the relationship but seeks intimacy elsewhere. See me before this happens.